Friday, June 17, 2005


Mich. Schools Supt. Clarifies ID Remark

An editorial in the Lansing State Journal clarifies a statement that seemed to open the door to teaching intelligent design in science classes by Michael Flanagan, Michigan superintendent of schools.

Last Friday Flanagan was asked about the teaching of "intelligent design" in Michigan schools on WKAR's "Off the Record" program.

"We've got to at least teach the scientific theory," Flannagan was quoted as saying, "and I'm also comfortable with teachers exposing kids to a couple of different options."

With the controversy in Gull Lake fresh in everyone's mind, it was widely reported that Flanagan was okay with teaching of intelligent design.

According to the Lansing State Journal, Flanagan told them by phone that "[w]hat I meant was exposing kids in some other context... such as a current events class. That's what was in my mind."

"We believe in teaching scientific theory in science classes. ..." a spokeswoman for Mich. Gov. Jennifer Grantholm told the Journal. "We would see evolution as scientific theory."


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