Monday, February 20, 2006


Time to Roll Up Our Sleeves and Get Down to Work

"Clearly, Ohio’s board has taken steps to rectify what it sees as a bad decision for its schools. No similar reversal is being considered by the six-person majority on the Kansas Board of Education," says an editorial published this morning in the Lawrence Journal-World.

"If Kansas residents disagree with that judgment they will have an opportunity to express that opinion at the ballot box later this year. Four members of the Kansas board’s conservative majority are up for re-election; most already have announced opposition. It’s up to voters to examine the candidates and make their wishes known."

Nothing would do more to reverse the attacks on science education in Kansas -- and across the country -- than to hand the wingnuts on the Kansas Board of Education a stinging defeat next November. That is the goal supporters of quality science education should be working toward now.

That means raising money for moderate candidates, making sure they're invited to community events such as PTA meetings, writing letters to the editor, and spreading the word among friends and colleagues. It's time for all of us to roll up our sleeves and get down to the hard work of winning this next election.


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