Tuesday, December 05, 2006


War on Christmas

More than 900 lawyers aligned with the Arizona-based Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) have pledged to go after the “organized plot to remove all religious meaning from the holiday,” The Arizona Republic reports in a recent article.

According to Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Mike Johnson, an ADF lawyer, claims the group received “over 400 phones calls last year about possible discrimination.” They expect a similar deluge this year.

That means the ADF must have had its hands full last year filing lawsuits, right?

Wrong. Johnson “declined to say how many cases were taken to court” last year. That’s likely because few cases, if any, were actually filed, writes Americans United's Lauren Smith.

Johnson, for example, couldn’t point the Arizona Republic reporter to even one verifiable incident in this “war” on Christmas. It’s also worth noting that every incident brought to AU’s attention in 2005 turned out to be grossly exaggerated or flat-out false. Click here to see last year's AU report.


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